We will soon have the final presentation of the third exercise of the first quarter. In spite of both intermediate corrections that I have proposed along these two weeks of Christmas holidays (27122011/04012012), there are among the students important differences regarding the degree of development of the proposed topics for this project, a fact which will force many to work harder in order to achieve the required level. In the past presentation of the already assigned Case Studies, you were asked to organize each case around different core issues:
-The exploration of phenomenological limits
-Relationship between Common Space / Private Space
-Indoors / outdoors play areas
-Materials and finishes
-Interference Adults / Children.-Furniture / Scale.

These issues must be developed according to their varying degrees of affection for the proper understanding of your own project!!! DIN-A2 will be as usual the presentation format and I would like to highlight the need of a minimum graphical level, because in some cases, the second exercise lacked sensibility in organizing the blank area of the paper, combining different scales and discourses, refining line thicknesses and colors.... We must remember how crucial are here issues such as the position within the huge landplot, the uneven terrain, the delimitation of private/public use, the role of the water tank (collecting rainwater) and its relationship with the channel along the plot .... Thus, the required documents (for which you will have extra time in your classes of construction techniques, these documents of course directly related to your own project level), are the following:


3/1.Motto + conceptual memory (100 words).
3/2.Site plan (s.1/500). Understanding of the plot and integration of the building within the surroundings: representation of roof-level, driveways, paving, relation with existing road system and proposed public space within the favela.
3/3.Plans and sections (s.1/200).
3/4.Conceptual and planimetric definition of the educational unit (s.1/50) (plans / sections / functional and combination diagrams / furniture / double scale)
3/5.Renders (outdoors/indoors)
3/6.Construction details (s.1/20) regarding the most important issues of the project.
3/7.Schematic definition of the structural system (n/s) / energy efficiency systems (n/s).


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This blog is a tool for sharing information related to the Studio Unit: exercises, clarifications, submission dates, grades and any other relevant information to follow during the academic year, which of course does not exempt the student from compulsory attendance to classes. It will also be a showcase presenting the most interesting student proposals that is, in the end the Unit’s own means to disseminate the process and the results of each exercise. Therefore, to reach a wider audience, including the invited professors, the most relevant posts will be published in English as well.

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